Setting up your fundraising page: A guide to empower your efforts

Friday, 24 November 2023
Setting up your fundraising page: A guide to empower your efforts
Firstly, thank you!

At The Prince of Wales Hospice, we believe in the power of individuals like you, coming together to create a difference. Setting up your own fundraising page is a fantastic way to share your passion, rally support, and raise the vital funds we need to keep our work going. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a brilliant fundraising page and offer some inspiring ideas to kickstart your efforts.
1. Sign up and get started 
Starting your journey of fundraising for The Prince of Wales Hospice is easier than you might think. Begin by signing up [here]. You can use your Facebook account or an email address to create your fundraising page. Rest assured, we trust Enthuse to handle our fundraising activities and process online payments securely, so you can too!
2. Set a target for your fundraising goal 
Setting a fundraising target is not just a number; it's a source of motivation and inspiration. It provides you with a clear goal to strive for, and it's an excellent way to engage your supporters. Consider what amount you'd like to raise, keeping in mind both the needs of the hospice and what you believe you can achieve. Every penny counts! 
3. Add your personal touch 
A picture is worth a thousand words, and adding photos to your fundraising page can significantly increase donations. Choose a profile photo that represents your cause, whether it's a picture of you in action, the hospice, or something symbolic. This is your story, so share it with pride.
4. Share your story 
Why are you fundraising for The Prince of Wales Hospice? Share your story with your supporters. Explain the motivations behind your challenge or event. Personalizing your fundraising page and sharing your reasons for supporting our cause can deeply resonate with potential donors. The more personal, the more powerful.
5. Spread the word 
Sharing your fundraising events and keeping your supporters updated is essential for success. You can choose to share your page at any time using your personal URL and the social share buttons automatically included on your page. Post regular updates, photos, and stories related to your journey. The more you engage, the more likely people are to support your cause.
Fundraising ideas to get you started 
Looking for inspiration on how to fundraise for The Prince of Wales Hospice? Here are some creative ideas to kickstart your efforts:
1.   Virtual challenges: Run a virtual marathon, host a gaming marathon, or set a personal challenge, and encourage friends and family to sponsor you.
2.   Bake sales: Organise a bake sale at your workplace or in your community. Everyone loves sweet treats for a good cause.
3.   Auctions and raffles: Collect donated items or experiences and host an online auction or raffle.
4.   Themed parties: Host a themed party, such as a '60s disco night or a masquerade ball, and charge an entry fee that goes toward your fundraising goal.
5.   Physical challenges: Take on a physical challenge like a sponsored walk, cycle ride, or swim.
6.   Online workshops: If you have a skill or hobby, offer online workshops or lessons and donate the proceeds.
7.   Art exhibitions: Showcase your art or the art of your community and sell the pieces, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Hospice.
8.   Sponsored silence: Challenge yourself or your kids to a sponsored silence, with sponsors contributing for each minute of silence.
Remember, every effort counts, and your dedication to fundraising for The Prince of Wales Hospice can make a profound difference in the lives of those we care for. Get started today and be the change you want to see in the world. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of individuals and their families facing life-limiting illnesses.


Setting up your fundraising page
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